A downloadable simple horror for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Chapter 1 -  Cubical Cats Rampage through the forest, stoping at nothing to find and kill you. evade them by crossing the portals.

Pre Chapter 2 - As you are travelling through the portal, the cats and camels make an alliance to find and kill you, as you enter the arab realm, the camels are alerted and stop at nothing to try and kill you

Chapter 2 - As you look around, the camels start chasing you, and you realise that the portal are nowhere to be seen, until you see a palm tree in the distance...


Deathcats.zip 33 MB
DeathCats 2 - Let there be Camels.zip 33 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the files and extract them, then look for the executable file and double click it, it should probably open up the game


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14 downloads is kinda crazy

W game

Done witht he sequel, Enjoy!

omg 8 downloads! making the sequel rn

5 downloads and i will make a sequel!